Friday, September 18, 2009

Tillie Lewis Symposium

Tillie Lewis Symposium
Sunday, October, 25 2009 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Join area historians from the University of the Pacific and UC Davis for this unique take on the different aspects that make Tillie Lewis a significant pioneer. The session begins with remarks by Ken Albala, Professor of History, University of the Pacific and his talk “The Tomato Queen of San Joaquin.” Carolyn de la Pena, Associate Professor of American Studies and Director of UC Davis Humanities Institute shares from her forthcoming book “Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweetner from Saccharin to Splenda” (U. North Carolina 2010) with a talk called “Without Removing the Pleasure of Eating: What Made Tillie the Queen of Diet Food.” At noon a Tillie themed luncheon is served. After lunch learn about Lewis’s business style as Edie Sparks, Senior Associate Dean and Associate Professor of History, University of the Pacific speaks on “Tillie Lewis as Manager: Unpacking Myths and Maneuvers.”

There is no charge for this event which is open to the public, but reservations are required. Please email for more information, or call the Education Department at (209) 940-6315.


  1. Information. It has been described as, . . . "isolated, disconnected, meaningless knowledge--insults both knowledge and meaning. Our brains are, in fact, connection machines, constantly linking new information to old, in myriad ways that science is still untangling. Whether we perceive in consciously or not, every thing and idea in our world can be linked to anything else in surprisingly few steps . . . and our brains seem to store and retrieve things in a similar fashion.
    Our experiences, too, are irrevocably connected to the people and world around us."--taken from comments by Bob Harris, a 13-time "Jeopardy" contestant and a television writer. I Immediately connected his remarks to what is going on at the Haggin. The Tillie Lewis Symposium sounds wonderful and would serve to strengthen the tours in the Pioneer Room. I'll plan on following up with Prof. Albala.

  2. I'm in. Prof Albala has me on the list of attendees for the Tillie Lewis Symposium. It's a very short walk from my house. Looking forward to this very much. I'm also looking forward to my role at the Gala Opening Reception at Haggin on Friday night Oct 2.I wonder what my assignment will be. Hmmmmm.

  3. Ken Burns PBS Kens Burns "National Parks" viewing schedule as posted by KVIE Channel 6:
    "The Script of Nature 1851-1890"
    SUNDAY Sept 27 8 & 10 pm
    "The Last Refuge 1890-1915"
    MONDAY Sept 28 8 and 10 pm
    "The Empire of Grandeur 1915-1919"
    TUESDAY Sept 29 8 and 10 pm
    "Going Home 1920-1933"
    WEDNESDAY Sept 30 8 and 10 pm
    "Great Nature 1933-1945"
    THURSDAY Oct 1 8 and 10 pm
    "The Morning of Creation"
    FRIDAY Oct 2 8 and 10 pm
    Will have to record the Friday one since I'll be at the Haggin Gala. Regards to all!
