There are sales, and there are epic shopping events.
The 52nd annual White Elephant Sale, organized by the Oakland Museum Women's Board to benefit the Oakland Museum of California, no question, falls into the latter class.
The admission-free rummage sale, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 5-6, is held in a 96,000-square-foot warehouse arranged into 17 departments with millions of items from vintage clothing to sporting goods, jewelry, art, furniture, books, music and children's clothing and toys. Prices are seriously low. (Think $3 for a pair of almost-perfect-condition Frye boots that sell on eBay for around $300. Jimmy Choos run about $40.)
"There's so much love and care that goes into everything that's donated before it goes out for resale," says Kelly Koski, communications manager for the[museum].
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/02/25/HOVV1HRUFO.DTL#ixzz1FOlMSEgO
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